2014年1月2日 星期四

獎項 Award


活渠門除了獲得原創家居用品設計比賽冠軍外,基於它的獨特性功能和原創性,還被傳媒廣泛報導。以下是一些剪輯:Apart from Drain Guard's Champion Design Award, due to its unique function and originality, it was widely reported by media. Below are some of the reports: 


2013年8月25日 星期日

設計原理 Design




 I.                   廁所水箱自動停水系統破損

II.                   廁所水箱入水位破裂


III.                 洗衣機入水自動停水系統破損


IV.              浴室或厨房瓷盆底漏水


V.              大雨時沒有關上浴室或厨房窗子




The drainage system of most apartments in Hong Kong is shown in figure A. Odour or vapour with virus may enter the apartment through the drain pipes. Especially when the ventilation fan is on and the windows are shut. Air has no other ways but comes in through the drain pipes from other apartments. In such a way, odour or virus can spread through the whole building. SARS disease outbreak in the city was a typical example. 
Most of the drain gates in HK are in either 3 square vertical or 3 round horizontal format. Mostly they are made of metal but some are of plastics. As a matter of fact, sewage odor or cockroaches often come into the apartments through these drain gates since there is no water in the u-traps outside the building. The protective mechanism offered by these u-traps is no longer valid because the lifestyle of most HK people has been changed. Seldom people will pour a bucket of water onto the floor for cleaning but just mopping the floor instead. Thus there will be no water in the u-trap to block foreign substance from coming into the apartment. That is why a device is needed to be designed to compensate the function of the u-trap.
What is in mind that a device can have a one-way pass through function? Correct! It is valve mechanism. Thus this mechanism should be employed in the new design. Upon many brainstorming and testing models, a preliminary functional device was built. It had to be tested thoroughly for its function, reliability and durability by many experiences, such as one experiment shown in figure C.
The design was eventually finalized upon some further revisions and improvements. The esthetics of course could not be ignored since such new design was created by an industrial designer. Ultimately the new product was patented for it unique mechanism and design before launching to the market.

2013年8月1日 星期四

活渠門 DG2 轉接片和髮隔 (Adapter 9.8 & Hair Trap 1.0)


活渠門 DG2 轉接片和髮隔 (Adapter 9.8 & Hair Trap 1.0), 亦是用來照顧小數的不標準渠閘用家

2013年7月22日 星期一

活渠門 Drain Guard_first page

活渠門是香港首個設計於去水位上用來防止外來細菌和臭味但同時能排水的產品。並榮獲原創家居用品設計比賽冠軍。雖然始創於2003沙士之年,但受歡迎程度至今卻有增無減。設計概念源於2003"沙士"在淘大花園爆發的調查報告。指出帶有病毒的水蒸氣是由去水位進入室內而令到大部人受到感染。這反映現時很多猖獗的流感病毒如 H5N1H1N1H3N2 亦可從去水位進入屋內。但去水位是不可能沒有或將它封密的,活渠門的設計便正正可解决這個難題。

I. 活渠門 1 號 和 2 (DG1 & DG2) 基本型號,用於 3 (7.5cm)方形和圓形渠閘:

-         防止蟑螂螞蟻等帶病毒害蟲進入
-         可如常排水
-         專利外露式活門設計, 運作是否正常可一目了然
-         即買即用,不用師傅安裝
-         不需電池或其他能源
2003年至今,已有無數家庭採用了活渠門,口碑是無容置疑的。第二代升級版更加將其性能、耐用性和外觀美感再推上一層。使用家更樂於使用。 為了照顧小數的不標準渠閘用家, 新開發產品還有專為 DG1 DG2 而設計的轉接片和髮隔,使到它們的用途更為廣泛。

Drain Guard (DG) was invented in 2003, the SARS year in HK, and was granted the Champion Award in the Original Household Product Design Competition. DG is the first product in HK (may be the first in the world) that was designed for protecting the indoor drain gates from outside harmful substances. The design concept was inspired by the case in the Amoy Gardens that the virus was spread through the whole building through the drain pipes. That means many common virus nowadays such as H5N1, H1N1, H3N2 can enter the apartments in the same way. Therefore it was urgently to have a product invented to solve this problem. That is why DG was born, and it has the following features:
 -          Block sewage odors and harmful insects
-          Block hazardous gas or vapors that may contain virus or bacteria
-          Work like ordinary drain gates that allows normal water drainage
-          The exposed OWE (One-Way-Exit) door design allows easy visual inspection
-          Totally DIY. No need of any technician
-          Various surface finishing designs for different interior designs.
Since 2003, many families in HK have been using DG in their apartments. Word of mouth proves that DG are effective products. Now much improvement and upgrades have been built into the second generation DG. Expecting that even more users will be willing to use DG in future.